Friday, December 30, 2011
One Day I Will..
Monday, December 19, 2011
Mungkin aku tak cukup sempurna
Mungkin aku belum cukup sempurna untuk kau kan sayang? Mungkin rasa sayang aku untuk kau belum cukup kan sayang? Tapi takpe... Aku akan cuba utk berubah.. Demi kebaikan hubungan kita ok sayang? Andai lah kau tahu macam mana rasa sayang aku ni utk kau.. Mesti kita tak jadi macam ni kan sayang? Kita cuba ubah segalanya ye... Sampai satu masa nanti biar lah takdir yang tentukan segalanya.. sama ada kau milik aku atau tak.. Pada masa tu aku akan cuba sedaya upaya utk terima takdir tu.. Kite pun tahu kan... Tuhan dah tentukan siapa jodoh kita nanti.. Cuma kita kene bersedia je dengan siapa yang akan jadi jodoh kita.. Andai kata kau bukan jodoh aku nanti.. Aku terima.. Kalau kau jodoh aku.. Alhamdulillah.. Aku bersyukur.. Andai aku boleh bagitahu satu dunia yang hati ini milik kau... Dah tentu aku akan bagitahu.. Andai lah kau tahu nama kau yang aku sedang sebut di dalam hati sekarang ni.. Dah tentu kau akan rasa dalamnya sayang ni untuk kau.. Aku cuma nak kau tahu.. Kau segala-galanya untuk aku! Kau adalah orang yang mampu buat aku ketawa.. Kau yang mampu buat aku menangis.. Kau yang mampu jadikan aku perempuan yang ceria.. Aku tak dapat bayangkan kalau satu hari nanti hubungan kite berakhir tanpa kesudahan.. Sayang.. Janji ok yang kau akan sentiasa ada untuk aku? Ya Allah.. Kuatkan lah hati aku...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
:'( :'( :'(
I miss You Sayang! I miss You more than possible I thought was possible.. :'(
I miss the laugh that made me smile and the eyes that said u care! Nothing is the same without u by my side.. I miss your hug and trying to figure out what perfume u wearing.. haha!
What I just want to say.. I MISS YOU!!!
I Love You fucking damn much Sayang!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Matlutfi.. I Love You!
Today aku saje jew kan nk post tentang MATLUTFI ni.. Why? Coz aku suke tgk die dlm YOUTUBE! Even sometime die nmpak comel kn.. sometime TAK..hehe.. Aksi2 die buat aku tak kering gusi lorh.. Lawak2 die cute plus berunsurkan nasihat.. Ramai jgk la org yg mcm die kt dlm YOUTUBE tu.. Such as Maria Eleena, Anwar Hadi and etc. But I choose HIM! Sebab aku suke tgk die.. wahahaha! I wish one day i will meet u! Even 4 a while! Hee~ Macam da terlampau obseb plak la kn? Ape2 pun i just wanna say I Love U Dude!
This is one of his video that i love! Take ur time to watch it oke! Muahh!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Yes! I do love him!
Ye! Aku sayang kn Boyfie aku.. So what? Lantak la kn if status FB aku full of love qoute.. That is the proof that I really love him! So for those yg tak senang dgn ape yg aku cube tunjuk kan... Back Off haters! I don't mind if korg semua nk kate aku poyo ngn Boyfie aku ke kn.. Yg penting I'm not bother ur life! Semua org ade kehendak masing2. So just live ur life la.. Tak payah nk sibuk2 hal aku.. Aku bukan nk show off la.. I just want to express what i felt to him!
P/S : to haters! if u don't like what i've done... Just close ur eyes and shut up!
P/S : to haters! if u don't like what i've done... Just close ur eyes and shut up!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I miss U so badly..
Here i just want to tell u that i miss u sayang.. Now we rarely spend time together like before.. Saya tahu awak terlampau busy dgn kerja awak sampai mase utk saya pun jadi kurang.. Bukan niat saya nak marah2.. Bukan saya sengaja taknak faham kerja awk.. Tapi saya terlampau rindukan awk.. Saya tak harap kan ape2 dari awk.. cume saya mintak awk kembali mcm dulu.. Seorang yg selalu ade utk saya... Seorang yg selalu buatkan saya ketawa tiap2 pagi.. Saya taknak jadi seorang GF yg tak memahami BF.. Tapi saya tak boleh kawal emosi saya bile awk takde dengan saya. Hari 2 awak ckp "walaupun kite jarang mesej or call ati B selalu ade Syg" and u know what i felt when u said like that? I felt so touched! tapi perlu ke saya percaya dgn ape yg awk ckp? ati saya ragu2 dgn ati awk.. Awak ingat masa saya nangis ari 2? Awk peluk and pujuk saya.. Hmm.. I miss that moment B.. I need U always by my side.. I love U more than words.. Sorry if i couldn't understand ur situation B.. I just want to let u know what i feel when u are not around! I miss u so much B! Ape2 pun saya harap ati awak akan sentiasa ada utk saya... Kalo boleh saya putar kan balik mase2 indah kite dulu.. mesti saya kite tak jadi mcm ni kn B? Tapi nk buat mcm mne kn... Saya cume ppuan biasa yg tak mampu nk ubah ape2.. Cume berharap awk sentiasa bersama saya.. Sumpah saya syg kn awk.. Kalo bole sy nk 1 dunia tahu tentang perasaan saya terhadap awk.. Tentang rindu yg saya simpan utk awk.. Tapi saya tak mampu kn? Awak.. walaupun kite dah tak mcm dulu, saya harap hubungan kite akan kekal ye? Saya nak awk sentiasa ingat saya selalu di sisi awk kalau awk perlukan saya...
I Love U... I Need U... I Miss U... :'(
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Super Babes Eva!
Oke! I just want to let all people know that I've got SUPERBABES in my new college! They are the most beautiful things that i ever had in my life.. Diamonds are pretty and so are Pearl but nothings as gorgeous as me and my Superbabes! hahaha... I love them soo much! Thanks to god coz he has created the perfect friends for me.. Everything we shared together.. No secret between us! No matter sad or happy we always being together.. So glad to have wonderful SuperBabes like u all.. =)
They are my SuperBabes!
They are my SuperBabes!
Norhazimah Sidik
Syahirah Asri
Nur Azirah Zabidin
p/s: Hope our relationship will end till end of our breath!
Monday, September 26, 2011
My New Boyfie!
Haha! Mesti cam trkejut je kn bile aku wat title new boyfie.. acctually.. what i mean is about the Black Bird..
Now I'm really obsessed with it.. ahaks! sbb ape? sebab die la bnyk tlg aku memusnah kn VAVI2 or BERUK2 yg ade dlm game Angry Bird tu... OMG! Game tu mmg menguji kesabaran aku.. Kadang2 bole jd tension main.. Tpi xpe.. Nasib baik ade MY BABY BOO ni kn.. Thnks Baby... Akhir kata.. My Blacky Hunny.. U are the only one for me oke! haha..
4 my SuperMan : Nor Faizal.. I Love U more than my Blacky.. so no need to worry.. hahaha!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I Heart You
You are my description of love
You are my description of friend
You are my description of everything
You are my description of beginning to end
You are the only one I desire
You are the only one in my heart
Through good and bad times
Nothing can keep us apart
You've always been there for me
You've loved me through it all
You've always been patient and kind
Just thought i'd let you know
You are the owner of this heart of mine
So you ask how long i will love you
Well this is what I have to say..
Past,Future,Always,Forever and a Day!
...I LOVE U...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Happy Anniversary 4th month Sayang
I wish you were here with me
in my heart i can see
how much you mean to me
you set my heart so free
and i wish you could turn around
and be with me right here, right now
I wanna feel your soft touch
and tell you I love You this much
I wish you could feel the way my heart beat
when I hear your voice it sweeps me off my heart
please don't leave, don't ever go
how much I love You, you'll never know
and I wish you were here
so I can hold you near
so I can feel your touch
I wish I could hold your hand
to let you know that I understand
that you can't always be here
and that I can't always hold you near
but I guess for now this is enough
even though at times it gets so tough
I know one day we will see
that this love is meant to be..
~Happy Anniversary Sayang~
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Betol ke Cium itu Bagus??
Ahli perubatan mendapati bahawa bercium itu baik untuk kesihatan. Bercium itu bukan hanya membuat seseorang merasa seronok dan nikmat, tapi ciuman juga dikatakan berkesan untuk melawan pelbagai jenis penyakit.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa kelebihan dan keistimewaan ciuman;
1- Berciuman dalam waktu yang lama boleh membantu sistem pengaliran darah kita. Ketika berciuman, degup jantung makin cepat hingga mencapai 110 kali degupan jantung seminit.
2- Setelah bercium, paru-paru akan bekerja lebih keras. Jika dibanding dalam keadaan normal, tarikan nafas setelah bercium adalah kira-kira 60 tarikan nafas seminit (nafas normal hanya 20 kali tarikan nafas seminit). Maka bercium adalah baik untuk mencegah penyakit lemah paru-paru.
3- Sesetengah doktor gigi percaya bahawa bercium dapat mencegah daripada gigi mudah berlubang. Ciuman akan membuatkan rembesan air liur berlaku yang mana ianya boleh meneutralkan cecair berasid yang menyebabkan kerosakan gigi.
4- Proses ciuman yang berlaku lebih dari 3 minit membantu seseorang daripada tekanan hidup atau stress. Bercium dalam jangka waktu yang lama boleh menyahkan rembesan hormon yang menyebabkan tekanan atau stress.
5- Pasangan yang mengamalkan tabiat bercium ketika berpisah hendak pergi kerja setiap pagi contohnya dikatakan mampu memberikan lebihan masa hidup 5 tahun lebih lama daripada mereka yang tidak melakukan rutin bercium.
6- Ciuman mampu memberikan keyakinan diri dan rasa dihargai. Ciuman akan membuatkan seseorang merasa dihargai dan memberikan ketenangan diri kepada pencium.
7- Ciuman dapat membakar kalori sehingga 2~3 kalori seminit dan ia meningkatkan metabolisma. Malah ada yang mendakwa bahawa ciuman yang dilakukan dengan penuh ghairah sebanyak 3 kali sehari (iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 20 saat setiap kali bercium), boleh membantu mengurangkan berat badan.
8- Ciuman dapat menghilangkan kepenatan dan ketegangan dalam badan. Ciuman yang dilakukan dengan penuh perasaan mampu menghilangkan ketegangan, menghilangkan tenaga negatif, membangkitkan rasa sihat dan juga mengurangkan rembesan hormon yang menyebabkan tekanan.
9- Aktiviti bercium memerlukan otot dan saraf di bahagian muka melakukan beberapa gerakan. Dikatakan tidak kurang 30 otot wajah akan bergerak-gerak dan ini boleh mencegah otot pipi daripada menjadi kendur. Otot pipi yang menegang semasa ciuman ghairah dilakukan dikatakan mampu membantu kulit menjadi lebih halus dan meningkatkan peredaran darah.
10- Bercium adalah sangat baik untuk jantung kerana ia menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol.
11- Mereka yang sering berciuman didapati jarang menghadapi masalah-masalah perut.
12- Semasa bercium, antibiotik akan dirembeskan keluar melalui air liur. Air liur ini dikatakan bertindak sebagai anestetik yang membantu mengurangkan kesakitan pada tubuh.
P/S: artikel inin hanya utk yg berumah tangga ye.. aku cume berkongsi jew.. harap maklum!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Duit Raya..
Haa.. Pasal duit raya ni mcm excited plak la kn.... hee... tp agak2 nye kn.. brape la duit raya yg aku dpt utk thn ni kn?? kalo dulu mse kck2... bnyk org bg duit raya.. tp thn ni xthu la mcm mne... hrp2 bnyk la jgk kn.. nnty duit 2 bole la buat blanja2 kolej... hee.. eee... tak sabar rase nye nk raye.. nk kumpul ngn sume family then kumpul duit raya bnyk2... ape2 pon aku bersyukur jew brape bnyk yg aku akn dpt nnty.. hee...
Sekian Terima Kasih~
Monday, August 8, 2011
Cookies 4 Raya
Huhu.. hari ni rse cam best la plak kn.. bile aku blajar wat cookies utk raya bersama mummy.. mummy bgi resepi and aku cube buat.. yg wat aku rase best gile bile cookies aku 2 menjadi... yahoo! suke! suke! suke!
haa... ni antara pic yg sempat aku amik.. hee..
hee.. even x berapa cantik.. tpi rase die best tao... kalo x caye.. mai la ke umah aku... rase kuih yg aku buat. ahaks! ape2 pun thanks mummy 4 this cookies!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Last Day of Puasa..
Makan Besar atau orang putih kata.. Big Eat... hahaha! tak la.. gurau aje... bukan ape.. sje je nk berblog tentang last day bukak puase ngn member2 yg mereng.. hee.. oke la.. ceritanya bermula begini.. 1st week puasa.. kitorg tak bole nk bukak puasa kat rumah this is becoz kitorg ade final exam dri 1.08.2011 until 5.08.2011.. so kitorg ber-TUJUH hari2 bukak puasa bersama...dari 1 aribln smpai 6 aribln... haa?? Kitorg 2 siapa??? hmm.. kitorg 2 adelah Aku,Syera,Tini,E-mah,,Azie,Diella and Cemah.. hee... sume nye mereng2 belaka! so semalam baru jew abis exam.. kitorg rse excited sgt tao! then kitorg deal nk makan besar mse bukak puase nnty.. balik2 dri exam jew.. kitorg siap2 nk berbuka. Meja sume kitorg da booking awal2... takot xde meja nnty... makanan pun da order skali.. hee.. nk tahu tak kitorg order ape?? hee... menu istimewa kitorg Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa.. Pergh!! sedap oi!
Ni antara gambar2 yg dapat di ambil...
haa.... macam best kn?? memang best pon laa!
haa... ni la rupe nye bile sume perut da kenyang... hahahaha!
Last Word 4 U Guys!
Ape2 pon korg sume memang the best la beb! mesty rindu korg ketat2.. takpe2..nanty kite raya same2 plak k?? Dengan ni aku nk amik kesempatan utk mintak maaf kt korg spnjg korg knl aku ye.. maaf jka aku ade wat korg skit aty... wat korg mrh ke.. sorry tao! kalau aku ni mngada2 ke... kadang2 kate2 aku wat korg tak selesa... aku mntak maaf ye... Sayang korg ketat2!
Monday, August 1, 2011
When i get home...
Mummy! i want this when i get home oke.. i wish 4 it.. dah lame x makan ayam pangang mummy.. so nnty ika balik rumah then ika nk mummy masakkan oke?? i know u will make it 4 me...
Thanks Mummy! I LOVE U...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
oke! DRAMA...The title is like no fun 2 read rite? ahaks! bukan ape.. just nk cerita ckit tentang presentation aku pagi tadi.. oke.. the story begins like this.. presentation english aku kali ni is about DRAMA.. aku n kengkawan yg lain.. Azie,Sara,E-mah and Syera memilih satu drama which is entitle
"A girl who is Lavish"
Drama ni mngisahkan tentang seorg gadis yg sgt boros.. watak gadis ni di lakonkan oleh Sara. Its not easy 2 hold this character oke! but well done sara! u've done ur part! then gadis ni ade 2 org best friends la konon.. hee.. Azie and E-mah. tugas diorg ni just utk nasihatkan Sara spaya Sara ni berubah jadi seorg yg berjimat cermat. oke! tamat la cerita utk diowg kn... gud jod Azie and E-mah! now masa utk aku cerita part Aku and Syera! our part mybe is the best la kan?? hehehe.. Aku pegang watak MUMMY and Syera pegang watak DADDY.. kitorg ni asal dri family yg berADA la konon.. then kitorg ade sorg ank ppuan yg boros. Leceh btol kalo ade anak mcm 2 kn? asyik nk abeskn duit utk die jewp. ahaks! oke! back 2 the story.. keje aku ngn Syera cume marah2 kn si anak je.. sbb ank kitorg ni keje die cume nk abiskn duit kitorg utk bnda2 yg nonsense.. mmg best la kn bile dpt watak yg keje nye asyik marah2 jew..huhuhu. pas 2.. marah punye marah.. at last ank kitorg dgr ckp kitorg.. then die berubah mnjadi seorg ank yg baik. Bile wt drama ni rse mcm x sabar plak kn nk jd mummy.. huhuhu.. mcm mne la rupe aku bile jd mummy kn??? to Syera.. Congrats beb.. ko da wat yg terBAEK!
here is some pictures of MUMMY and DADDY
Ade gaye bole jd Mummy and Daddy tak??? ahaks!
Beb! kaw nmpak hensem dowh! Lalalalalala~
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Port Dickson
rindu gile kowt time ni... huhuhu.. time ni time sebelum mandy.. bru jew tukar2 baju.. sblm mndy kene la amik pic dulu... hee...
hahaha.. bestie ever! sayang sgt kat kowg dowh! Azie n Syera... kwn aku yg paling gile n paling aku syg!
my truly love ever! thnks syg sbb bwk sy n kwn2.. awk sgala2 nya utk sy.. kenangan terindah adalah kenangan brsama awk sayang... happy sgt ngn awk wktu ni....
Alfa Qistina... bdk ni sgt2 chumell! jmpe mse kt PD la.. hee.. die tkt ngn ombak.. mak ngn ayh die mcm x ksh jew ngn die ni.. hee... then kitorg pun bwk die join mandy same2.. hee.. at last die ske mndy dgn kitorg.. mak die ajk balik pon die xnk.. sbb nk ikot kitorg.. so sweet.. i miss u adik!
mama n mami angkt Qistina... hee~ sweet moment!
Really2 miss every moment that we have shared together! lepas ni kita buka cerita yg lain pulak oke!
I LOVE U!!!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Happy Anniversary for 2 month...
Its been 2 months since i entered
And my love for you is always centered
Straight in my heart right where it belongs
Our relationship is right and holds no wrongs
Its been i while since "i like" became "i love"
My like used to be grounded, now my love soars above
Because i love you so much and i want it to show
I'll love and care for you forever, u need to know
Even though u may think it isnt true
Forever my love will stay with u
You are maybe not my first love, but i hope u will be my last
Then we can live together, and reminisce the past
Our time together has been so much fun
Your are the most important in my life,
But i wrote this so u know i love you
And i hope our months turn into years
Because you make me so happy and destroy my fears
Heh, its been 2 months and i dont want it to end
Any time we could have split we had the ability to mend
thats the thing about us together we are one
but seperate we are nothing, no, no fun.
Well i love you forever and ever, i will always stay true.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
i miss u like crazy!
We were too shy to say much at all
It's funny to think back to that time
Because now we're having a ball!
They say that true friendship is rare
An adage that I believe to be true
Genuine friendship is something that I cherish
I am so lucky to have met you.
Our bond is extremely special
It is unique in it's own way
We have something irreplaceable
I love you more and more each day.
We've been through so much together
In so little time we've shared
I will never forget all the moments
that you've shown me how much you cared.
Friends are forever
Especially the bond that you and I possess
I love your fun-filled personality
Somehow you never fail to impress.
The world could use more people like you
it would certainly be a better place
I love everything about you
You are someone I could never replace.
You are always there for me
When my spirits need a little lift
I cannot thank you enough for that
You are truly an extraordinary gift.
You are everything to me and more
I could never express that enough
Life is such a treacherous journey, and
Without you it would be even more tough.
Our story will continue to grow
With each passing day
Because I trust that with you by my side
Everything will always be Okay.
You are so dear to me
You know I will love you until the end
I will always be there for you, and
You will always (and forever) be my best friend
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
i am sorry.. i dont meant to hurt u..
I am sorry for being too emotional
I am sorry for being mean
I am sorry that I cry for you
I am sorry coz I can't imagine my live without you
I am sorry for my self-centered love
I am sorry I cared not enough
But trust me when I say that I love you Should I say sorry for that
I am sorry for being mean
I am sorry that I cry for you
I am sorry coz I can't imagine my live without you
I am sorry for my self-centered love
I am sorry I cared not enough
But trust me when I say that I love you Should I say sorry for that
Sorry for each time i have hurt u
Sorry incase you do not like anything I say or do
Sorry for the times I have put up a fight
Sorry I don't understand why I just can't do a thing right
Sorry if I am sometimes so complicated
Sorry for making you feel frustrated
Sorry I am unable to fight back the tears
Sorry for times I kept you away from peers.
Sorry for making you feel frustrated
Sorry I am unable to fight back the tears
Sorry for times I kept you away from peers.
I Love U So Much! I'm Really2 Sorry Sayang.....
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I love every moment that we spend together..
I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have for a long time,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart
I Love U! U're My Everything SAYANG!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Story about Him..
huhu.. ari ni tibe2 je nk berBLOG tntng cinta aty aku.. hee... rmai yg trtnye2... spe la BF baru aku.. hee.. ary ni bru aku nk kenalkan die kat u all tao! btw.. aku ni bkn la jnis yg suke jaja2 psl BF aku kt org... yeke?? ahaks! oke la.. name die ni... NOR FAIZAL... asal dri PERAK... tpi stay kt MELAKA.. umo die?? lu pkir la sndri.. hehehe... keje ape?? keje biase2 jew.. die keje kt Syarikat Lembaga Air.. kat bukit sebukor.. sebelah dgn kolej aku je pon.. hee... ape yg buat kn aku jatuh hati dgn die?? erm.. die ni seorg yg gile2 mcm aku.... ape yg aku mengarut.. die layan je... hobi kitorg.. KETAWA!! bile jmpe... mmg x jd ape la... hahaha. ske sgt geletek pinggang aku... padahal mmg die thu aku sensitif kt pinggang.. tp die saje je... ape2 pon.. i love u larh! die seorg yg sgt3 memahami aku... die sggup brkorban mcm2 utk aku... xkire tgh pns.. die sggup dtg jmpe aku... bile blek keje, die blek uma die.. mndi2 then dtg jmpe aku kt uma... padahal aku tahu.. die msti penat... yela.. x sempat nk rehat, da dtg jmpe aku.. bkn nye dkt... tp die ckp " Xpe.. B x kisah pon syg.. jnji dpt jmpe syg.." terharu gile bile die ckp mcm 2... yg wat kan aku brtambah syg kt die.. bile die sanggup amik cuti semata2 utk aku... semata2 nk luangkn mse ngn aku... bile aku ade mslah.. die la org pertama yg bnyk wat kn semangat aku kuat.. aku bahagia sgt bile die ade... aku bersyukur sgt kt tuhan sebab bg aku peluang utk brbhagia lg... oke la u all... aku rse mcm da bnyk aku mengarut ni.. sbnr nye.. bnyk lgi story tntg aku n die.. tp laen hari la aku story2 ye... jnji aku akn story lagi! hee~
p/s: to all readers.. sorry la kalo story aku ni mmbosankn...
: to my LOVE... i love u more than anything B... thnks 4 everything!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
BFF for ever!!
haa.. kali ni aku nk bercerite tntg BFF aku.. Oke.. yg berSPEK mate 2.. name die Sarah.. die ni... muke jew nmpk gnas tao! tp ati die baek sgt2... die x pernah mengeluh bile aku mntk tlg die mcm2... die slalu jew blnje aku mcm2.. die x kedekut... die ni seorg y jujur jgk la.. hee... cume kdg2.. ade la ckit virus yg melanda die.. iaitu.. virus LELAKI... hee. virus 2 ssh ckit la nk settle kn.. hee.. ape2 pon.. aku hrp 1 ari nnty die akn jmpe laki yg akn menghargai die lebih dri aku hargai die.. yg berbaju PETAK2 tu plak.. nme die Emah.. di ni... nmpk jew mcm pendiam.. tp bile ko da duk ngn die.. pergh! mmg syiok ah... kalo aku wat lawak 2.. die ketawa bagai nk rak... hahaha.. ingat lg mse mule2 knl die... senyap jew owg nye.. tp bile da lame knl ngn die.. die jdi masok air da skunk.. hahaha! Mah ko mmg de best la yunk! ati die ni mcm suci jew.. ekekeke.. die x pernah nak menipu.. kdg2 lurus jew die ni.. hee.. tp ape2 pon die kwn yg baek sgt tao! yg berbaju KELABU tu plak name die Syera.. di ni... xpyh ckp la.. mmg dri awal aku knl.. smpai skunk.. mulot die mmg xpnh berhenti bercakap.. ade je bnde nk ckp.. tp aty die ni sensitif ckit... xbole kene tegur ckit.. nnty die majok... hee... tp die best! aku slalu jew buli die.. tp die xpnh buli aku tao! die x pnh kedekut n berkira ngn aku psl duit.. if aku xde duit.. die yg tolong aku.. asal die ni dri kuantan! berkawan ngn die ni x pernah bosan... best jew... hee... yg pkai INNER 2 plak name die Azie.. die ni.. baek jgk,.. muke cam baek jew kn?? tp jiwa ganas beb... kalo brcakap ngn owg,.. mcm nk gado jew.. die ni senang ckit nk amek aty bile owg ckp psl die.. tp die xpnh tnjuk kn yg die amek aty.. die ni rapat sungguh dgn Syera.. hee.. tp kwn ngn die ni mmg syiok la.. sekepala ngn aku.. hee.. Korg!!! aku nk korg thu.. aku brsyukur sgt brkawan ngn kowg.. kowg mmg de best yaw! hope kite akn brkawan smpai maty oke! to Sarah.. even sem dpn kite x duk 1 bilik.. tp ko ttp kwn aku oke.. aku syg kn ko.. aku syg kn semua! thnks sbb kowg slalu ade ngn aku.. slalu tlg aku bile aku susah.. aku mntk maaf if ade salah dan silap aku.. kdg2 gurauan aku wat korg skit aty.. aku mintak SORRY tao! FRIENDS 4 EVER YAW!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Kalau lah DIA wujud...
mesti ramai yg knl sape DORAEMON kn?? sudah tentulah bukan aku.. haha.. npe ek aku nk bukak cite pasal die ni?? erm... sebenar nye... aku pernah berharap kalau lah doraemon ni btol2 wujud.. aku nk jd kwn die.. sebab die bole buat mcm2 benda... mcm yg dlm cite die 2.. die slalu tolong nobita n kwn2 yg laen.. huhuhu.. kalo die btol2 wujud.. aku nk suruh die putar blek mase... bwk aku blek kt mse2 dulu.. mse yg paling aku rindu.. mse bersama arwah ayah aku.. mse aku x pernah kenal erti cinta... bukan aku x suke idop aku yg skrg ni.. cume idop aku yg skrg ni bnyk sgt dugaan... dulu kalo aku susah.. sedih.. ayah aku slalu ade.. tp skrg?? bile aku susah.. aku nk ngadu kt spe lg kn? kt mummy?cian kt die.. lagi bnyk msalah yg die kene tanggung.. sbb 2 aku berharap doraemon 2 wujud.. mesti die bole tlong aku kn? lagi satu.. pasal cinta... kalo dulu.. aku x pnh rse jatuh cinta.. aku x pnh rse skit sbb cinta... tp skrg?? cinta slalu wat aku skit.. slalu wat aku nangis.. aku dah xnk rse skit lg... aku da puas... aku da pnt idop dlm kesakitan.. kesedihan... aku nk sgt2 blek pd zaman dulu.. zaman aku kanak2... sbb zaman kanak2 zaman yg aku rse cukup sempurna.. mesty korang rse aku ni mengarut je kn?? tp aku cume bercakp tntg ape yg pnh aku harap kn... andai kata 1 ari nnti doraemon wujud... mesti idop aku akn jd sempurna blek... :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Final Exam!!!
Final exam is around the corner! hahaha.. tibe2 terasa cuak jew an?? minggu depan beb aku da final... padahal x ready ape2 lgi pon... huhuhu tp xpe la... insyallah aku akn cube buat yg sehabis mampu.. hope aku lulus la kn? so mulai skrg.. kne la aku study hard... xnk fikir enjoy je kn? mummy pon ckp.. kalo nk enjoy.. tggu pas final.. jgn nk gedik2 pg sane.. pg sini... nnty final??? ke LAUT jadi nye... hee~ greeting to my friends who will be in final exam soon.. wish u all best of luck oke! study hard tau! jawab aje ape yg termampu... hee~ sekian terima kasih!
Friday, April 8, 2011
There will be many people who will
walk in and out of your life but
only true friends will leave footprints behind.
A friend is someone who can see
the truth and the pain in you even
when you are fooling everyone else.
True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks.
A friend is one who knows who you are,
understands where you have been,
accepts what you have become,
and still gently allows you to grow
A best friend is like a four leaf clover:
hard to find and lucky to have.
The love of my life is the love between friends
There may be somebody who is thinking
about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around.
That's the wonderful thing about friendship
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sekarang Tinggal Kite Saje...


Dia Kekasih ku...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
She is the best! I LOVE U..
Horratul Maliah bt. Hj. Mohd Yassin.. she is the best mother that God created for me and my siblings.. no one can replace her as our mother. she put up with all the red tape to her children.. die seorang yg penyabar... banyak dah die korban kan utk family aku.. die rela bersusah payah demi kami anak2 die.. tp knpe ek... still lg ade org yg cube buruk kn mummy aku? aku yg baru idop dgn die 19 thn aku thu die mcm mne.. tp knp org yg da idop dgn die berpuluh2 thn, still x knl mummy aku mcm mne.. aku tahu... idop kitowg sekeluarga susah.. tp kitowg xpnh susah kn org lain.. if kitowg xde duit pon.. kitowg x pnh mintak2 kt owg lain.. hmm.. bile kitowg senang ckit.. rmai yg mngate.. tp bile kitowg susah? ade x sape2 yg dtg tlg? xde pon... tp mummy x ksh... sbb mummy x pnh mengharap kn apew pon dr sape2... ade jgk org 2 ckp mummy aku x pnh ajar aku cara beradab. shit! sume 2 x btol.. mummy ajar aku sume bnda yg baek2... cume aku jew yg x pnh nk ikot.. aku tahu... perwatakan aku skunk memburuk kn name mummy.. i'm sorry mummy.. i will try to change little by little.. aku pnh jnji kt mummy.. kalo aku da keje... da ade rezeki lebih.. aku nk bg mummy duit aku... nk bwk mummy pg haji... insyallah kalo tuhan izinkn... mummy... biarlah apew yg org ckp psl family kite... yg penting kite bahagia.. biar kite idop susah,.. jnji kite x susah kn org lain.. ika sayang sgt2 kt mummy... thnks 4 every single things that u've done 4 me. u are the best mother in the world.. i love u more more and more mummy! u are the number 1 in my life. forever and ever!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Selamat Pengantin Baru!!!
Selamat Pengantin Baru aku ucap kn buat kawan baek aku.. MIMI FATIHA bt. HASHIM! Aku doa kn kowg kekal abadi utk slame2 nye ye... kekal smpai ke anak cucu... da jadi isteri org da kwn aku sowg ni.. mcm x cye jew kn?? hehehe.. tp bile tgk die naek pelamin td.. rse mcm nk join skali jew.. bile la aku dpt naek plamin kn.. rse mcm nk kawen awal jew... B!! cepat masok minang BU bole?? hehehe.. diowg berdua ni nmpk sweet jew.. mimie mnje... suami die nmpk macho jew.. mmg cocok bangat deh! pas ni kalo nk hang out ngn mimie.. msty kene mintak izin suami die kn?? "Bang... syg nk kuar dgn kwn bole?" hehehe... kalo suami die kate x bole... susah la.. hee~ mimie... mcm mne ek mlm pertama ko?? ekekeke.. best ke x ek?? nnty story2 la kt aku... hahaha! mne la thu bole berkongsi pengalaman kn.. hehehe.. ape2 pon... SELAMAT PENGATIN BARU!!! pas ni idop ko akn bertambah2 ceria...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Kalau lah AKU...
Kalau lah aku bole kawan dgn BULAN...
Aku nk cite dekat die bile aku happy.. kenape aku happy..
Aku nk ngadu kt die bile aku sedeyh.. kenape aku sedeyh..
Aku nk peluk die bile aku rindu...
Kalau lah aku bole kawan dgn BINTANG...
Aku nk petik die dan bagi die dekat org yg aku syg...
Aku nk simpan die dlm bilik aku..
Supaya die bole berkelip bile aku termenung...
Kalau lah BULAN dan BINTANG jadi kwn aku..
Aku janji akn hargai die...
Aku janji akn setia jd kwn die...
Aku janji akan teman die seperti mne die menemani mlm2 aku...
Terima Kasih BULAN...
Terima Kasih BINTANG...
Kau menerangi mlm2 aku...
Kau buat ati aku tenang bile melihat kau..
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