Nothing much to say.. Just want to drop my feelings here. Its bout my sayang, my charming, my baby, my panglima manja, my everything! Its for awak B! .Awak tahu tak... Awak tak pernah gagal untuk amaze me. Everyday there is something yang baru that makes me love u even more than the day before and every word yang awak cakap kat saya makes me fall in love with u all over again. My adorable darling, saya tahu saya bukan perempuan pertama in ur life but i want to be the last woman in ur life. I know i am not the one who first made you feel loved tapi saya nak jadi yang pertama to make you feel loved soulfully to the core. I love u more than words can show, i think bout u more than u could ever know, until forever this will be true, because there is no one i would ever love the way i love u. We fight, laugh, love, cry, scream, yell, talk bout our future, want to have a family wif me and u. I'm glad i am your's and i am glad u are mine. And we both know that u cant be without me, and i can't be without u. Saya sayang awak B.. Thanks for everything yg B da korbankan.. Baik dari segi masa, duit or anything.. Hope u and i will be together forever.. I love u much much n much!