Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yes! I do love him!

Ye! Aku sayang kn Boyfie aku.. So what? Lantak la kn if status FB aku full of love qoute.. That is the proof that I really love him! So for those yg tak senang dgn ape yg aku cube tunjuk kan... Back Off haters! I don't mind if korg semua nk kate aku poyo ngn Boyfie aku ke kn.. Yg penting I'm not bother ur life! Semua org ade kehendak masing2. So just live ur life la.. Tak payah nk sibuk2 hal aku.. Aku bukan nk show off la.. I just want to express what i felt to him!

P/S : to haters! if u don't like what i've done... Just close ur eyes and shut up!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I miss U so badly..

Here i just want to tell u that i miss u sayang.. Now we rarely spend time together like before.. Saya tahu awak terlampau busy dgn kerja awak sampai mase utk saya pun jadi kurang.. Bukan niat saya nak marah2.. Bukan saya sengaja taknak faham kerja awk.. Tapi saya terlampau rindukan awk.. Saya tak harap kan ape2 dari awk.. cume saya mintak awk kembali mcm dulu.. Seorang yg selalu ade utk saya... Seorang yg selalu buatkan saya ketawa tiap2 pagi..  Saya taknak jadi seorang GF yg tak memahami BF.. Tapi saya tak boleh kawal emosi saya bile awk takde dengan saya. Hari 2 awak ckp "walaupun kite jarang mesej or call ati B selalu ade Syg" and u know what i felt when u said like that? I felt so touched! tapi perlu ke saya percaya dgn ape yg awk ckp? ati saya ragu2 dgn ati awk.. Awak ingat masa saya nangis ari 2? Awk peluk and pujuk saya.. Hmm.. I miss that moment B.. I need U always by my side.. I love U more than words.. Sorry if i couldn't understand ur situation B.. I just want to let u know what i feel when u are not around! I miss u so much B! Ape2 pun saya harap ati awak akan sentiasa ada utk saya...  Kalo boleh saya putar kan balik mase2 indah kite dulu.. mesti saya kite tak jadi mcm ni kn B? Tapi nk buat mcm mne kn... Saya cume ppuan biasa yg tak mampu nk ubah ape2.. Cume berharap awk sentiasa bersama saya.. Sumpah saya syg kn awk.. Kalo bole sy nk 1 dunia tahu tentang perasaan saya terhadap awk.. Tentang rindu yg saya simpan utk awk.. Tapi saya tak mampu kn? Awak.. walaupun kite dah tak mcm dulu, saya harap hubungan kite akan kekal ye? Saya nak awk sentiasa ingat saya selalu di sisi awk kalau awk perlukan saya...

 I Love U... I Need U... I Miss U... :'(

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Super Babes Eva!

Oke! I just want to let all people know that I've got SUPERBABES in my new college! They are the most beautiful things that i ever had in my life.. Diamonds are pretty and so are Pearl but nothings as gorgeous as me and my Superbabes! hahaha... I love them soo much! Thanks to god coz he has created the perfect friends for me.. Everything we shared together.. No secret between us! No matter sad or happy we always being together.. So glad to have wonderful SuperBabes like u all.. =)

They are my SuperBabes!


 Norhazimah Sidik

 Syahirah Asri

Nur Azirah Zabidin

p/s: Hope our relationship will end till end of our breath!